უფასო მიწოდება
გამოცემის წელი: 2024
გვერდების რაოდენობა: 224
ISBN: 9780241542293
გამომცემლობა: Penguin Random House
იმპრინტი: Penguin Modern Classics
ყდა: რბილი
ფორმატი: 197 x 129 მმ
‘In this masterpiece Kawabata, his brush dipped in silver, renders all the excruciating anguish and beauty of post-war Japan’ Edmund White
With the Second World War only a few years in the past, and Japan still reeling from its effects, two sisters - born to the same father but different mothers - struggle to make sense of the new world in which they are coming of age. Asako, the younger, has become obsessed with locating a third sibling, while also experiencing love for the first time. While Momoko, their father's first child - haunted by the loss of her kamikaze boyfriend and their final, disturbing days together - seeks comfort in a series of unhealthy romances. And both sisters find themselves unable to outrun the legacies of their late mothers. A thoughtful, probing novel about the enduring traumas of war, the unbreakable bonds of family and the inescapability of the past, The Rainbow is a searing, melancholy work from one of Japan's greatest writers.
Yasunari Kawabata, winner of the 1968 Nobel Prize for Literature, was one of Japan's most distinguished novelists. Born in Osaka in 1899, he published his first stories while he was still in high school. Among his major novels published across the world are Snow Country (1956), Thousand Cranes (1959), The Sound of the Mountain (1972), and Beauty and Sadness (1975). Kawabata was found dead, by his own hand, in 1972.
Yasunari Kawabata was born near Osaka in 1899 and was orphaned at the age of two. His first stories were published while he was still in high school and he decided to become a writer. He graduated from Tokyo Imperial University in 1924 and a year later made his first impact on Japanese letters with Izu Dancer. He soon became a leading figure the lyrical school that offered the chief challenge to the proletarian literature of the late 1920s. His writings combine the two forms of the novel and the haiku poems, which within restrictions of a rigid metre achieves a startling beauty by its juxtaposition of opposite and incongruous terms. Snow Country (1956) and Thousand Cranes (1959) brought him international recognition. Kawabata died by his own hand, on April 16 1972.
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ველიზე შეგიძლია, როგორც სრული თანხის გადახდა, ისე თანხის თვეებზე განაწილება სასურველი ბანკის თქვენზე მორგებული პირობებით
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ჩვენი კურიერი 21:30 საათამდე შეძენილ პროდუქციას იმავე დღეს, შენ მიერ წინასწარ შერჩეულ დროსა და მისამართზე მოგიტანს, მაქსიმუმ 3 საათში.
21:30 საათის შემდეგ შეძენილ პროდუქციას მეორე დღეს სასურველ დროს მიიღებ.
როცა კურიერი შენკენ გამოემართება, შეგიძლია მის ადგილმდებარეობას თანადროულად დააკვირდე.
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