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ID: 9789941317149
Maro  Maro
Translated by Google

Year of publication: 2024

Number of pages: 64

ISBN: 9789941317149

Publisher: Intelekti


Free deliveryIn 3 hours

"What should be more beautiful than a heart burning for the motherland? What can be more impressive than the words behind which you can feel this heartbeat? The history of Georgia is already unimaginable without Maro - this eternal girl, and Salome Benidze makes her and her era even more alive and vibrant in her text, which you will find in this amazingly beautiful book. You can feel Maro's heartbeat here, his dedication and unforgettable words "Don't be afraid, we will win in style!" will once again awaken your hope, encourage you and convince you that now, in these times, we should believe in these words the most." - Tamta Melashvili

Additional information
  • The Author Salome Benidze
  • Publisher Intelekti
  • Language Georgian
  • Number Of Pages 64
  • Format 150 x 180 mm
  • Cover Paperback
  • Year Of Publication 2024
  • Original Language Georgian
  • Origin Of The Author Georgia
  • Direction მხატვრული პროზა
  • Recommendation Tamta Melashvili

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