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ID: 9789941328848
Pearls  Pearls
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Saba - ''I was reading this novel and thought how light, how heavy, but how familiar this whole story is - I thought so, I heard it a hundred times, from a hundred different people. From a friend's older sister, a neighbor, a distant relative, someone's mother.

Beka Adamashvili - "A very good book - with simple language, pleasant humor, characteristic characters and accompanying sadness, which leads to the realization of the inevitability of tragedy in the process of reading."

Nominations: Saba

Year of publication: 2021

Number of pages: 236

ISBN: 9789941328848

Publisher: Palitra L


Free deliveryIn 3 hours

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Press Response

Aril - "The cinematography of the scenes forces the reader to leave the position of a simple listener or observer and inadvertently makes him a participant in the adventure. Actions never drag. The book reads in one sitting, thanks in large part to Margot's narrative style, which, like her personality, is multi-layered and fiercely individualistic.''

On.Ge - "Present and future Georgian girls already have Margo Aliashvili to gather more courage and listen less to those tsitsos and pearls that the violent culture of the patriarchy has shielded."

Nestan Nene Kvinikadze   - "Mariam writes plainly, directly, unadorned, with sentences devoid of sweet sounds. The characters speak as they are. Mariam tells painful stories with humor. The 25-year-old author, who made an important debut on the literary scene, attracts attention with his individual style and skill of narration.

Additional information
  • The Author Mariam Gurgenishvili
  • Publisher Palitra L
  • Language Georgian
  • Number Of Pages 236
  • Format 130 x 197 mm
  • Cover Paperback
  • Year Of Publication 2021
  • Original Language Georgian
  • Series Become a bestselling author
  • Origin Of The Author Georgia
  • Nominations Saba

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