Among modern hygiene products, the menstrual cup is one of the innovations that has been quickly introduced into society. As a result, the item provides great comfort and savings.
Of course, each woman chooses which hygienic means to use, whether a menstrual cup, a Hygiene Pads, a tampon, or other means. However, the economy distinguishes this innovation. It is reusable and cheaper than hundreds of tampons or pads. What is also important is that, once the device is placed on the body, the woman experiences no discomfort.
The menstrual cup does not contain harmful chemicals, additives, or bleaches.
How to use a menstrual cup
The cup comes with use instructions. Service is folded, and its diameter repeats our anatomy. Therefore, it is slightly larger than a tampon.
On average, a menstrual cup has a larger capacity than other devices, 25-37 ml. It can be used continuously for up to 12 hours.
The use process becomes more accessible with experience because if we wear a menstrual cup incorrectly, we will immediately feel discomfort. Depending on the need, offers cups of various sizes and compositions.
Maintenance and cleanliness of the menstrual cup
Before first use, sterilize it. To do this, place the cup in a water bowl and boiled for 3-5 minutes.
Before using the menstrual cup, wash our hands thoroughly. Then, we have to fold the glass twice, and in this form, we have to insert it into the vagina. If used correctly, it will unfold itself and take on the desired shape. It is essential to be relaxed while placing the cup.
When we finish using the cup, we should wash it without soap, under cold running water (cold water passes the contents well). At this time, it is possible to sterilize with neutral, perfume-free soap.
After the end of the cycle, it is essential to clean the menstrual cup in the same way as at the beginning of its use - by sterilizing it. It is recommended to store the cup in a small cotton bag, which comes with all menstrual cups presented on
Buy hygiene care products at
There are many hygiene products for all needs. Female hygiene, among many other products, includes different brands of Daily Pads to feel clean.
Choose a menstrual cup on the field, and save money and effort on critical days. Because silicone has a relatively long life, if the operation rules are observed, the menstrual cup will serve you for about ten years.
On average, a woman uses 16,800 disposable pads or tampons in her lifetime. The menstrual cup is a highly beneficial product in this respect.